World hypertension day 2021

World Hypertension Day 2023 | Causes & Prevention

World Hypertension Day is an informative and educational event aimed at raising awareness and preventing cases of hypertension. Despite its stressful name, the day focuses on promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. People start the day by checking their blood pressure, encouraging early detection and management of hypertension. On this day, individuals receive valuable information about various health issues and receive tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This event empowers individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions to prevent or manage hypertension effectively.

What is Hypertension or High Blood pressure?

As per the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, if the systolic blood pressure readings on two separate days are equal to or greater than 140 mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure readings on two separate days are equal to or greater than 90 mmHg, it is diagnosed as hypertension.


To raise the consciousness of hypertension and the problems associated, World Hypertension League began the day in 2005.

The global COVID-19 Pandemic due to Corona Virus has postponed the celebration of World Hypertension Day.


As hypertension is one of the prominent health issues, the only purpose of this day is to keep people aware and healthy. Multiple health issues like heart attacks, kidney disorders, and strokes are linked to hypertension. Thus it becomes essential to keep people informed about it. 


Like every other event, World Hypertension Day also acquires themes for each year. The theme focuses on better health and awareness of the public

For instance, one of the recent themes was Healthy diet-healthy blood pressure. It suggested the value of a nutritious diet intake that helps in maintaining blood pressure levels. Lack of proper diet leads to high blood pressure and, this was the main objective of the theme.

The theme for World Hypertension Day 2021 is -Know your number. It intends to measure blood pressure and regulate it to live longer.

Facts and figures

  • Hypertension or elevated blood pressure is a dangerous medical state that elevates the prospects of heart, brain, kidney, and other complications.
  • Approximately 1.13 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension, mostly in low-income countries.
  • In 2015, 20% of men and women suffered from hypertension.  
  • Only 20% of cases with hypertension have the problem under check. 
  • Hypertension is also a cause of premature mortality globally.


  • Hypertension can be attributed to unhealthy eating habits, such as excessive salt intake, high consumption of saturated and trans fats, tobacco and alcohol use, and inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables. These dietary factors contribute significantly to the development of high blood pressure.
  • Hypertension results due to a lack of physical inactivity and obesity.
  • Other reasons include genetic inheritance, old age, diabetes, and kidney problem.

Prevention is better

  • Intake healthy and low-salt diet
  • Reduce or end the use of alcohol and tobacco
  • Intake of more vegetables and fruits
  • Regular exercises and physical activity
  • Maintain a healthy body and weight
  • Limit the consumption of high saturated fats
  • Eliminate or reduce trans fats
  • Conquering and handling mental pressure
  • Regularly blood pressure check.
  • Tackling high blood pressure
  • Watching other medical ailments
  • Perform Yoga breathing exercises to relieve tension

Yoga for Hypertension

Yoga works a miracle for this type of illness. It is well known for multiple health benefits and there is no harm in attempting it. Simple rhythmic and planned breathing exercises that form Yoga are great to help hypertension patients. Here are some of the yoga poses that would help;

  • Anulom Vilom Pranayam(Alternate breathing exercise)
  • Bhujangasana(Cobra) Pose 
  • Shavasana(corpse) pose

 Images for a Cheerful Life

Happy World hypertension day 2021
Happy hypertension day
Cheerful Life quote
World hypertension

Come, examine your blood pressure levels, acknowledge hypertension and perform Yoga to stay fit.

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