After Dahi chiura khane din a month ago, it’s time for Kheer khane din 2082. The month of Shrawan holds this sweet and savoury festival of Kheer khane din (खिर खाने दिन), which means a day dedicated to eating rice pudding.
Like any other Nepalese festival, this one also offers families and friends the opportunity to come together and enjoy the day.
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History and Importance Kheer khane din 2082
Shrawan marks the end of the harvest period, which in Nepal is celebrated as Kheer Khane din.
Farmers celebrate the day and offer rice pudding to deities on the 15 Shrawan(30 July 2025).
All about Kheer
Kheer, or rice pudding, is a regular dessert in Nepal and India. It is a cuisine prepared especially during festivals and special occasions.
Kheer is also a healthy snack with a rich taste and aroma, made with rice, milk, sugar, ghee, cardamom, and dry fruits.
The process of making Kheer is easy. You need to add rice and all other ingredients to the boiling milk and cook it to a consistency you like. On reaching such a milestone of harvesting, a sweet celebration with Kheer is deserving.
Facts about Kheer and its special day
- The approaching occasion is “Kwati Khane Din,” which signifies the day to relish a blend of various lentils.
- Kheer provides relief from fatigue and assists in coping with the approaching winters.
- Shrawan is the month of Lord Shiva, and devotees avoid meat and alcohol. That is when Kheer comes to save the day. The nutritious dessert helps boost energy and immunity.
- Kheer holds great significance in mythology since Lord Krishna adored it, and King Dasharath presented this delicacy to his queen during her pregnancy.
- Ayurveda recognizes Kheer as an ancient dish and ensures health benefits.
- The term “Kheer” originates from the Sanskrit word “Kshir.”
- Kheer is easily digestible and loved by people of all ages.
- Kheer is a good source of Vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and Calcium.
Wishes and Quotes Kheer khane din 2082
May the refreshing showers of that spring bring solace to our sorrows, and we sow affection and harmony together with the paddy seeds. Wishing you a joyful Kheer Khane Din in 2082!
I extend my warm wishes for a joyful Kheer Khane Din in 2082 to all my beloved friends and family.
Kheer khane din ko Subhakamana. Hope for equal love towards Land, Nature, and Nation.
May every smile of yours be equal to countless sacks of rice. Kheer khane din ko subhakamana hajur lai.
Celebrate the day with your dear friends and family and share heartfelt messages and images with your loved ones. May your Kheer Khane Din be as delightful and flavorful as the dessert itself. I wish you a very Happy Kheer Khane Din 2082.