World yoga day 2021

World Yoga Day 2025 | अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय योग दिवस

International Yoga Day, World Yoga Day, and International Day of Yoga are all the same thing and are worldwide events approved by the United Nations. World Yoga Day 2025 is on 21 June 2025.

Yoga is well known for its extraordinary health benefits and is getting accepted globally as well.

This event aims to promote and raise awareness of Yoga around the world. It also suggests that Yoga can help relieve stress and build a healthy body and a suitably designed lifestyle. Additionally, everyone can practice Yoga and enjoy the benefits.


Yoga has a history of over 6000 Years in ancient India. However, Indian UN Ambassador Ashoke Mukerji witnessed interest in Yoga from almost all nations. That’s when the United Nations considered declaring 21 June as World Yoga Day. Since then, the day has been observed worldwide as Yoga Day.

India has had a deep-rooted history with Yoga since the 5th century and is considered to be the place of origin of Yoga. Likewise, Nepal also dedicates and enthusiastically celebrates World Yoga Day.

The day is also marked as the longest day of the year(summer solstice), and this particular day is chosen for Yoga Day.


The theme for World Yoga Day 2025 is to ‘bring into focus the role that yoga can play in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations‘, with the aim to alleviate poverty. 

Facts about Yoga

  • Yoga has different forms(Asanas) and paces, so you can choose your method and speed to go along.
  • It is equally important to select the correct Yoga exercises based on age, temperament, and goals for better results.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and avoid food for a minimum of 2 hours before practice.
  • Mornings are the best time for Yoga as it refuels our body with energy for the entire day. 
  • You can opt for yoga sessions based on your requirements and comfort. Even a couple of minutes each day would be beneficial.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Refuels daily energy requirements
  • Improved physical flexibility
  • Easy relief from breathing issues.
  • Boost mental wellbeing
  • Balanced weight gain and maintenance
  • Improves metabolic activity
  • Boost concentration
  • Raise in strength and activity
  • Relives anxiety, depression, and stress
  • Yoga is the remedy for all ailments when practised correctly.


International day of Yoga
World yoga day

World Music Day (Fête de la Musique/ विश्व संगीत दिवस)

Originally in France, this annual music fest is intended to acknowledge and honour experts and newcomers in the industry. It also proposes to showcase the fresh talent of music to the world.

It is also Make Music Day, which is when new talents come out to create music. The day is marked by numerous celebrations and parades worldwide. Music already has many inbuilt benefits, and it’s even better than a day worth celebrating all those and more.

For everyone with headphones on, we wish you a Happy World Music Day 2025

World music day 2021

Enjoy World Yoga Day 2025 and World Music Day 2025.

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