Happy Mother's Day 2023

Aama ko Mukh Herne Din | Mothers Day Nepal 2082

Mothers are the blessings that every child adorns just after birth, and there is nothing comparable or even close to what a mother means to the child. There can be differences in how people perceive everything else, but the entire world has the same respectful and caring feelings for mothers. So, there’s a definite reason to celebrate the mother’s bond with her children. Let this Happy Mothers Day Nepal 2025 be a reason for you to offer a little of your valuable time to someone who spent all her life dedicated to only you.

Mother’s Day is celebrated worldwide on 11 May 2025, and some countries have different opinions and dates for this worthy celebration. 

One such country, Nepal, chooses to exemplify the revelry by celebrating mothers as a true blessing and an incarnate of god. The day itself has multiple names but has the same broad meaning of celebrating motherhood in Nepal. Here are the details of how wonderful the Mother’s Day celebration could be in Nepal.

Matatirtha Aunsi | मातातीर्थ औंसी 2082

Aunsi refers to the new Moon night and the first new Moon night of Baisakh month is marked as Matatirtha Aunshi. The celebration of Mother’s Day has a different name in Nepal: Mata Tirtha Ausi. It is because people visit the Mata Tirtha Temple as a reminiscence for their deceased mother with a bath in the holy pond near Kathmandu. It makes a great way to connect to your mothers even if they’re not with you. 

When will Mata Tirtha Ausi be in Nepal in 2082/2025?

Mata Tirtha Aunshi will be observed on 14 Baisakh this year.

Aama ko Mukh Herne Din | आमाको मुख हेर्ने दिन 2082

Another unique way of celebrating the day that you can witness in Nepal is Aama Ko Mookh Herne Din, which means a day to cherish the face of your mother. The day is observed with quite a dedication, driving people to migrate to where their mom resides. Also, honouring mothers with gifts is a common sighting all over Nepal. Even the imagination can be so captivating that you can estimate the levels of enthusiasm of those who engage in such a terrific celebration.

There’s a similar day for fathers as well: Buwa ko Mookh Herne Din. 

When is Aama ko Mukh Herne Din 2082 in Nepal?

On 14 Baisakh, Nepal shall celebrate Aama ko Mookh Herne Din with great zeal.

मातृ सम्मान दिवस 2082

Matri Samman Diwas is a day for respecting mothers. Mothers are always respectful, but having a devoted celebration brings us an inch closer to what they do for us. It is another impressive way to celebrate Mother’s Day in Nepal. It is the best festival to honour a mother and her selfless deeds.

Mother’s Day Nepal 2025

Mother’s Day in Nepal is beyond just a celebration but a reason to bring people closer to their parents, particularly mothers. Matri Devo Bhava (मातृदेवो भव) is a part of the Sanskrit slogan which implies Mothers are proximate to Gods and deserve to be on the top. India and Nepal are some of the nations that consider Mothers to be Goddesses for each individual, as the god could not be available for everyone at all times.

When is Mother’s Day in Nepal 2082?

Mother’s Day, also known as Ama ko Mookh Herney Din, will be observed on 14 Baisakh 2082.

Aama ko Mookh Herne Din 2082 Date

Aama ko Mukh Herne Din will be witnessed on 14 Baisakh 2082, which coincides with 27 April 2025.

Wishes Messages and Greetings Cards for Mothers(Aama)

There can be your own extraordinary ways to honour the celebrations. Here are some wishes and messages that can help you create a memorable Mother’s Day. Do share these wishes on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.

  • As myriad as the stars in the sky, I respect you more than anything, Mom, for bringing me to life. Happy Mother’s Day 2025!
  • Sorry for driving you crazy occasionally; it was simply because I adore you so much! Happy Mom Day
  • There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything quite so special as the mother’s love. Happy Mothers Day 2025
  • You’re spectacular, wonderful, and a superwoman, and I love you for being my mom. Have a great Mother’s Day.
  • You are the most important individual in my life. It would be incomprehensible for me to wish for a better mother than you.
  • I appreciate everything you do for us and our family. Our kids are so lucky to call you Mom.

Mother’s Day Wishes Messages in Nepali

  • तपाईंको जीवन पनि मेरो जीवनमा तपाईंले ल्याए जतिकै खुशी होस्! जीवनको सर्वश्रेष्ठ चीजहरूको लागि धन्यबाद आमा | मातातीर्थ औंसीको शुभकामना
  • भगवान जहिंतहिं हुन सक्तैनन् त्यसैले उनले आमा बनाए – सम्पूर्ण आमालाई मातृ दिवसको शुभकामना 
  • म सधैं भगवान सँग प्रार्थना गर्छु, तपाई दीर्घायुको लागि, तपाई सँधै मसँग हुनको लागि। म तपाईंलाई मेरो जीवन भन्दा बढी माया गर्छु। आमाको मुख हेर्ने दिनको शुभकामना
  • एउटी आमा हुन् जसले अन्य सबैको ठाउँ लिन सक्छिन तर जसको ठाउँ अरू कसैले लिन सक्दैनन् | मातातीर्थ औंसीको शुभकामना !
  • सधै सन्तानको खुशी चाहने आमाहरुलाई मातातीर्थ औंसीको शुभकामना !
  • आमा शब्द भन्दा ठूलो महत्वपूर्ण कुनै शब्द छैन ! सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण, सबैभन्दा न्यानो, सबैभन्दा दयालु आमाहरुलाई दिर्घायूको कामना गर्दछौं 
  • आफनो सन्तानलाई गर्वको साथ सफल जीवन प्रदान गर्नुभएकोमा मातृ दिवसको शुभकामना 
  • खै कसरी सुन्छिन, मलाई दु:खछ यहाँ, त्यहाँ उनी रुन्छिन । म जहाँ पुगेनी घर त त्यहीँ हो जहाँ मेरी आमा हुन्छिन् ।

Quotes on Mother’s Day

In this busy world, the least your mom deserves is a small timeout dedicated to your mom and nothing else. Happy Mothers Day


Not your gifts, not your money, she just needs you to be safe and healthy, she’s Mom. Happy Mother’s Day

Like mother, like daughter. I wouldn’t want to be like anyone else

Men are what their mothers made them

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The bond between mother and son lasts a lifetime

Images for Mother’s Day

Mothers Day Quotes Images
Mothers Day Wishes Cards Greetings
Aama ko Mukh Herne Din 2080

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